64 year old male with vomiting and burning micturition since 1 month

Date of Admission:22/07/2022

A 64 yr old male resident of Jaikaisaram choutuppal farmer by occupation came to OPD with chief complaints of pain in right loin, vomiting and burning micturition since 1 month.

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10yrs back then developed pain in the right loin for which he was diagnosed to having renal stone and was operated for it later after 3 yrs he developed bilateral loin pain and was diagnosed having bilateral renal stones and at was operated after a gap of 1 month.and later after 3 yrs and 4yrs back He developed midline swelling later which is diagnosed as hernia and mesh was placed later after 1 yr developed diffuse abdominal pain which he went to an Hospital,endoscopy was Done and diagnosed as intestinal ulcers and managed it conservatively this time he was diagnosed with Diabetes and hypertension.And 1 yr back he had Generalised weakness and Sob on exertion for which he went Hospital and diagnosed with having low Hb and using Iron Injections and 1 month back he developed burning micturition, pain in right loin and vomiting.
Pain is dragging type with no aggravating factors and relieved on medication. He had vomiting 2 to 3 times in a week from past 1 month.

History of past illness:

History of DM and Hypertension from 1 year
For diabetes he is using metformin
for Hypertension he was not using any medication
Not a K/c/o TB, asthma,epilepsy

Treatment history:

He was on Diabetic Medication
NO history of use of any other medication

Family history:

There is no significant family historys

Personal history:

Mixed diet
Normal Appetite
Decreased Bladder movements and Bowel movements are normal
No known allergies
Adequate sleep

Occasionally consumes alcohol
Cigarette smoking 20 years back 1 pack per day for 2 yrs 

Daily Routine:

He generally wakes up at 5 o clock in the morning and does daily work of home.At 7 o clock he has his Breakfast and after some time he goes into the village and Chit chat with neighbours .At 1 o clock he take his lunch and take nap for atleast 2-3 hours.He do not have any habit of drinking tea in the evening.At last he will take his dinner at 8 o clock and then goes to bed. 

General Examination:

On Examination patient is conscious,coherent,co - operative and well Oriented to time,place and person.

There are no signs of
Icterus,cyanosis,clubbing,Lymphadenopathy, oedema and pallor.


Temp:99:6 F
Pulse rate:88 bpm
Bp:160/70 mm Hg
Resp rate:16 / min

Systemic examination:

CVS: No thrills
S1 and S2 +
No murmurs

Respiratory system
No Dyspnoea
No Wheeze
Trachea is centrally located

soft and non tender
No palpable Mass
Liver and Spleen are not palpable

No abnormality detected

Provisional diagnosis:
Renal stones


Right moderate hydrouretero nephrosis

Right kidney is enlarged,there is dilatation of pelvicalceal System
Left kidney normal.
Right mid ureteric calaulus causing proximal hydroureteroneprosis.

Provisional Diagnosis:
Renal calculi


T. Lasix
T Nodosis
T shelcal 
T. orofer 
T Nicardia


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